Since we moved from our old place we had to leave many obsolete tools and instruments for good but there are were many other things that we cold not leave without pain, like all books. Here we are trying to find for them a new life.

All our books are available in ‘YOU-BOOK LIBRARY’ in either electronic or physical shapes. These that are not available in electronic format are not here for one of two reasons:

(1) copyright that prohibited to distribute these books in electronic format or

(2) luck of time

Still, they all available in physical shape and will be available for you upon request.







They all wanted to be historical figures and it is quite strange and dishonest that none one is taking care about all of them at one place! These who are still alive, and these who already can’t write productive as it used to be, they all need some care. We appreciate their efforts and give them our attention, first at all because it is what they need! Here you will see old and new names with many details about their work, productivity, personal details, and, of course, corresponding collection of authors autographs, that is the most complete source on a web.